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Buffalo Computer Parts is the place to go for discount computers and computer systems in Buffalo, New York. We also sell used computer and server parts along with other hard to find electronic parts. If you are looking for affordable laptops, desktops, monitors, TVs or other electronics, then give us a call at (716) 545-6369. We are open Monday - Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm.

TAC I2866-V Infinet II VAV Controller - No Front Panel

  • $ 179.99

Condition: Used

Model: I2866-V
Features: Four universal inputs, an airflow sensor, three Form A triac-based outputs, and an integrated damper actuator.
Application: Designed for variable air volume (VAV) box control in HVAC systems, enhancing energy efficiency and occupant comfort.

Tested and working with significant wear and scratches on casing (see photos). Includes VAV Controller only; no extra accessories.